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    #1   КошелевМладший @ 29.01.08 17:15 [пожаловаться]   
Dwarven racial Find Treasure is deactivated on death.
Undead Males main hand weapon is appearing larger than previous builds.
Equipping a thrown weapon while in the middle of an Auto-Shot will cause animation issues.
Deleted characters take up space in an arena team.
Male Blood Elves do not blink.
The Gnome racial ability Escape Artist does not remove the Unstable Cloud debuff.

Inappropriate tooltip is displaying when a player hovers over Shartuul's Transporter on a flying mount.
Relogging on the flight path from Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills to Ironforge, Dun Morogh in the entrance to Ironforge causes players to fly through a wall.
The flight path from Stormwind to Rebel Camp, Stranglethorn Vale clips through a tree outside of Stormwind.
Alliance flight path between Booty Bay and Stormwind goes through a tree.
There is a Feralfen Idol that is sunk into the floor in Feralfen Village, Zangarmarsh.
There is a tin vein in Hillsbrad Foothills that is unreachable.
There is a section of water that is clipping oddly into one of the waterfalls in Hatchet Hills outside of Zul'Aman.
The message "Zul'Aman Exterior InvisMan gains Cosmetic - Flame Patch X.X" appears in the combat log whenever a troll hut is burning in Hatchet Hills.
There is a leanto in Agama'gor, The Barrens that has no tooltip appearing but will be highlighted when moused over it.
Players can wall jump a portion of the hallway to Gruul in Gruul's Lair to reach a overhanging log beam where they can evade the mobs.
Charge, Intercept, Intervene , and Feral Charge are displaying odd behavior when being used at 10 yards vertical range.
The chests in Zul'aman can be looted by other players who were not in tap list.
Burning troll huts on Hatchet Hills are not dealing any fire damage.
Wooden spikes jutting from pillars in Circle of Blood arena are causing line of sight issues.
There is a floating tree root northwest of Garadar in Nagrand.
The Legion Ring boundary markers occasionally disappear.

There is a typo in the Quest Description Text of the Dustwallow Marsh quest "Thresher Oil".
There is a punctuation error in the acceptance text for the quest "Inspecting the Ruins" .
The quest description of "Super Hot Stew" does not state exactly how many ingredients are needed to create a Demon Broiled Surprise .
Splintertree Raiders do not respawn with Toerk if Duriel Moonfire and her guards are killed while the Raiders are still alive.
The quest description text for "The Corpulent One" refers to it being a group quest.
The quest "Bark For Drohn's Distillery" is unattainable if the player has certain quests in his/her quest log.
Quest Items are not lootable from chest objects when their tap list is issued on creation, and the object is summoned in via a pet.
After applying the Healing Salve to a Debilitated Mag'har Grunt (16847) for the quest "Administering the Salve" the buff applied to the grunt displays an internal tooltip.
There is a typo in the emote made by Bladespire Ogres when responding to the /point emote from a player who has become King of the Ogres.
The level range of the quest, Bring the Light is inconsistent with the level range of the Razorfen Downs dungeon.
The quest "Delivery to Tranquillen" cannot be accepted if you have "Suncrown Village" in your quest log.
Cipher of Damnation shows place holder icon on the castbar portrait when used.
Horde players are able to loot Salvageable Metal doodads on the Alliance side of the Path of Glory, Hellfire Peninsula.

Hammer of Justice from Gathios the Shatterer is able to be reflected.
Commander Springvale in Shadowfang Keep does not always drop superior quality loot.
Nazan will melee players while in the air.
It is possible for Zul'jin to perform Claw Rage improperly.
Learning certain spells via a class trainer will cause the yellow spell effect to appear on the trainer rather than the player.
The buff Phasing Invisibility on the Warp Stalker does not have a tooltip.
Anchorite Ayuri has a male draenei voiceset.
Goreclaw the Ravenous cannot be skinned.
Cursed Lost One has an inappropriate buff for the zone in which it is located.
There is an error in Sky-Captain Bomblast's dialogue text on the Orgrimmar to Grom'gol zeppelin.
Shattered Hand Heathen ability Bloodthirst has no tooltip description.
Ogri'la Peacekeeper's weapons are scaled too small.
Exarch Orelis and Anchorite Karja can be attacked in Area 52.
Flying units are sometimes not pathing in formation
Felspine the Greater will evade after leashing.
Gutripper will become stuck evading if you engage and leash it while it is in its flight phase.
"Troll Commoner" gives incorrect directions to Great-father Winter during the Winter Veil holiday.
The name plate for Gutripper while he is flying in motion is too high.
The Doomguard Punisher displays internal icons during possession transfer.
Booty Bay Bruisers spawn when speaking with Landro Longshot, preventing players who are hated by Booty Bay from redeeming UDE items.

Shapeshifting does not remove the movement impairing debuff Frost Breath.
Pets will continue to attack a target after it has been effected by Druid's Maim ability.

The tooltip for the Hunter Snake Trap spell has inappropriate text in it.
Snakes from a Hunter's Snake Trap can Daze players.
The stamina tooltip for hunter pets sometimes reports an incorrect health increase.

Mage's Frost and Ice armors are affected differently from each other by the Frost talent Permafrost.

Righteous Fury sometimes counts as two spells for purposes of dispel effects.
Paladins can cast Blessing of Protection on other players while affected by Blind.

Pain Suppression can be cast while silenced.
Several priest spells and talents are not affected by Silent Resolve.
Casting Vampiric Embrace does not consume Relentlessness which is the two-piece set bonus of the Avatar.
Inner focus consumes Starshards even though it costs no mana.
There is a word missing in the tooltip of priest discipline talent "Focused Will".
The Priest spell Touch of Weakness is consumed but has no effect if the Priest is hit while silenced.
Cheap Shot is removing Touch of Weakness, but is not proc'cing the Touch of Weakness debuff.
The Priest talent Inner Focus will lose its charge when the ability Shadowguard procs.

When Cheat Death absorbs an attack the combat log does not indicate which attack was absorbed.
Rogue's Cheat Death buff tooltip has a typo.
The proc from Cheat Death will cause a player to stand up.

The Shaman Talent Call of Thunder (Rank 5) is giving 2% extra crit, while ranks 1-4 only give 1% crit.
Rockbiter Weapon's tooltip and Action Bar icon are inconsistent with the other Shaman Weapon Enhancements' tooltips and icons.

The buff from Warlock talent Demonic Knowledge remains on enslaved demons after the enslavement is broken.
Imp spell Blood Pact affects certain trinkets upon zoning into a Battleground.

The stunning effect from Landslide's Summon Shardling spell is not triggering a Warrior's Second Wind ability.
Warriors can shift into a stance they are already in with macros.
Endless Rage is not granting the correct bonus to rage generation.
    #2   DreamS.Phoenix @ 29.01.08 17:17 [пожаловаться]   
Это про WoW, лолка...
    #3   Stink3r- @ 29.01.08 17:17 [пожаловаться]   
думаешь это смешно? количество тем на тему нового фейк патча = количесву даунов етого форума и ты не исключение
    #4   mANDmS @ 29.01.08 17:18 [пожаловаться]   
пздц, сколько можно Confused: Evil or Very Mad
хватит там придумывать уже всякую фигню
    #5   Bobrdobr @ 29.01.08 17:31 [пожаловаться]   
    #7   Pat1ence @ 29.01.08 17:34 [пожаловаться]   
ЭТО World of Warcraft ухахахах чел респект))
    #9   ккхД @ 29.01.08 22:42 [пожаловаться]   
афтор реал ущерб

Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised Shocked Confused Cool Laughing Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink Exclamation Question Idea Arrow

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